A Prayer for Mustard Seeds

A Prayer for Mustard Seeds 
Brea Congregational United Church of Christ 
May 20, 2018
(This prayer deserved its own post.  Thank you Michael for letting me share it!)

Thank you, dear God, for dangerous, peaceful people who have planted mustard seeds in our world.

Thank you for troublemakers and agitators, people who upset the norm, for protesters and marchers, for leaflet printers and speech-makers, for joke-tellers and those who speak truth to power, for people who refuse to sit down, refuse to stand up, people who won’t shut up or be shut out.

Thank you for parents who know better and for children who ask why.

Thank you for teachers who love knowledge and for students who speak bravely and prophetically even in the face of gun violence, for people who won’t take it anymore, who fight back, fight cancer, fight with chants and charts, teach-ins, sit-ins, and kiss-ins.

Thank you for Bill W. and for Nelson M. and for Ruth B.G.

Thank you, dear God, for people who peacefully resist and civilly disobey, people who use their minds and their words instead of guns and bombs.

Thank you for those who work to heal the wounds of Santa Fe and Palestine and Brea.

Thank you for justices who vote for justice, for the justice workers who keep working, and for the indefatigable power of love of all kinds.

Thank you, God, for Jesus Christ and for all prophets who overcome.

And, thank you, Loving One, for planting a seed of all of these things in each of us so that we, too, might lend a hand, a hug, a thought, a tear, to the effort to change the world from a place of fear and domination to a place where children and ice caps are safe, where justice and equal access wins the vote, where there’s enough room for everyone at the dinner table, where people stay at the negotiating table until problems are solved, where good is common and the Common Good prevails. 

In the name of peace, 


© 2011, 2018 Michael D. Lewis 
All rights reserved.

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